New Thought

Addington Archives​
and Research Center

Celebrating Our Past
Preserving Our History
Understanding Our Present
Illuminating Our Future

Archives Purpose

The purpose of the Addington INTA Archives is to identify, collect, organize, describe, preserve, and provide access to the historical and ongoing records of the activities of national and international INTA and the New Thought movement. Its overall mission is to provide the message of the New Thought movement to humanity. As an administrative unit within the organizational structure of the INTA, the Archives is responsible for maintaining the records that document the legal, fiscal, administrative, and historical activities of the INTA.

​Please direct inquiries about the archives to:

Permissions Form

Permissions Usage Information

International New Thought Alliance (INTA) is always happy to do its best to accommodate requests for permission to use materials. If you would like to quote from any of our material, please follow the International and Federal Copyright and Trademark Guidelines:

  1. U.S Copyright and Trademark Law, which includes any International usage, provides that any author may be quoted up to a maximum of 250 words without prior written permission, but only if the quote is accompanied by where the material was taken from, the author’s name, INTA’s name, along with the copyright and/or trademark symbol.
  2. Meaning, if you use a quote from one of INTA’s books, magazines, or materials, it has to be clearly stated as such and credited to the International New Thought Alliance.
INTA is a 501(c)3 not for profit religious organization. Your contributions will be used to support our mission.

Thank you.

312 SW Greenwich Dr., Suite 500
Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(480) 830-2461

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